Suggested Resources Books

Allergies Disease in Disguise: How to heal your allergic condition permanently and

Allergies Disease in Disguise: How to heal your allergic condition permanently and naturally

By Carolee Bateson-Koch DC ND
Book Publishing Company | January 1, 1994

Secret d'une herboriste

Secret d'une herboriste

By Marie-Antoinette Mulot
Edition du Dauphin; Édition : 18e édition (8 octobre 2004)

"Secrets d'une herboriste" est le témoignage de Marie-Antoinette MULOT, herboriste diplômée de la faculté de Pharmacie de Montpellier, et le testament d'une femme qui a consacré sa vie aux plantes. Forte de 315 plantes médicinales et de 115 maladies courantes, cette bible des plantes reste un document exceptionnel”

Holistic Herbal

Holistic Herbal

By David Hoffmann
UK General Books; REV edition (Sep 12 2002)

This book is the essential reference for anyone interested in growing, gathering, preparing, using and taking herbs for improving and maintaining health

Fats that Heal Fats that Kill

Fats that Heal Fats that Kill

By Udo Erasmus
Book Publishing Company | January 1, 1993

In Fats that Heal Fats that Kill, expert Udo Erasmus takes an in-depth look at the oil industry. Read about the politics of health and the way our bodies assimilate oil. Learn about modern healthful oils like flax, evening primrose and hemp.

green olive branch
brown oyster mushroom
rainforest with waterfall
lavander branch on morning dew